- “It’s just too expensive…“
Well, first off, we’d like to reassure you that there are no hidden extras and no extra charges for ‘special’ images. The prices you see, are the prices you pay. We aren’t the cheapest, but we’re certainly not the most expensive either!
All of our prices are openly and clearly displayed on our Newborn page.
When we opened our studio, we’d heard people describing visits to studios where they felt ripped off, and we made a promise – ‘No Hard Sell, Ever!” We’ve stuck to that promise. Open pricing before you book – and no pressure to buy.
Newborn photography is extremely specialist, with the safety and comfort of your baby absolutely our foremost priority. You’re not going to put your baby in the hands of somebody who doesn’t understand how to safely handle, pose, monitor and comfort them. We undertake regular training with the UK’s top coach, in all aspects of the newborn experience, not just to make sure you get the best photographs, but simply to keep us refreshed on our safety procedures.
Our studio boasts probably the largest election of specialist props, bowls, bows, bonnets, baskets, wraps and accessories in the whole area! Everything is washed, wiped down or laundered after it’s used. Our professional camera and lighting equipment is the best available.
We allocate 4 hours for a newborn session (though all being well, it’ll take half that!) Afterwards, we’ll spend several hours individually retouching your images so they look beautiful. These aren’t just snapshots, we’re striving to create piece sof artwork you’ll want to look at forever.
All of our full sessions include family and sibling images if you wish – which takes a bit of time, but is well worth it, and gives you a wide selection off images to choose from.
Hopefully, this will explain why newborn photography sessions cost what they do – we’re well trained and equipped, and the sessions and image retouching take quite a while. We’re sure that you’ll realise that we offer great value for money – and we know you’ll be delighted with the results as many hundreds before you have been!
- “I don’t think my baby will settle.”
Honestly, don’t worry about it! Lot’s of mums feel this way but after some 300+ newborn sessions, Emma has only once had to rebook a client as the baby really wasn’t happy (not a bad record, and the baby had the most tremendous trapped wind!) We do occasionally get little ones with that problem, or that need a big pooh before they’ll settle down, but in almost every case we’ll battle through and get the photos. If we do have to rebook, there’s no extra charge.
Emma’s been trained to deal with restless babies – they simply don’t faze her, and they usually pick up on her calm, relaxed demeanour and settle down quicker than mum expects.
We’ll send you out a pre-session preparation guide – just make sure you follow the tried-and-tested advice and it will help the session run nice and smoothly!
- “I want to book, but I’m not due for a few months yet.”
Get booked in anyway! The best time is usually straight after your 20 week scan – we’ll book you in for a provisional date time two weeks after you’re due, but this date is totally flexible and we’ll move it when the baby arrives – just give us a call when they arrive.
We do this so that we know how many newborns we have to fit in the diary. We make newborns our booking priority but can only do 4 per week (Tue-Fri 10am) to ensure that we can accommodate everybody’s flexible dates.
So, although we do sometimes have last minute sessions, please don’t leave it to chance as there is a very real chance you will be disappointed.
- “You only offer sessions Tuesday – Fridays and I want school age siblings to join in.”
We have a work around! Book your session and we’ll get the newborn session done Tue-Fri 10am.) When you come back for the viewing, on either an evening or Saturday, we’ll do the family and/or sibling photos just before you sit down to see the images from the newborn session. Whilst we’re looking at those, Russ will quickly select and edit the images and we’ll be able to show you them all then and there.
The other advantage of this is that most kids really don’t want to be hanging around for a whole session anyway, so it works really well!
- “My baby is already here.”
Give us a call… we do sometimes have last minute availability once we know when our pre-booked babies will be in. These will normally be withing the following week if we have availability.
- “My baby is over your 21 day recommendation.”
We don’t want you to miss out, and we can photography babies up to 3 months if necessary. But, to manage your expectations, you’ll need to be aware that after 21 days babies start to ‘uncurl’ and become more aware of their surroundings so we may well not get those curly, sleepy pictures. But – the ‘eyes open’ photos are just as lovely in their own way, as the little ones engage with the camera. In any case, we’ve photographed a number of older babies who slept the whole way through!
- “Honestly, I just don’t like your photos!”
It’s often said that it would be a boring world if we all liked the same thing! And it may be that you want a home-shoot, or lifestyle session, but that’s not something we offer. We’re specialist in what we do. Just make sure you’ve looked at the images on our website and social media pages, so that you’re familiar and comfortable with the type of photographs we create.
Still got questions?
Pop us a message or give us a call. We aren’t into the whole ‘badgering’ you thing! We’ll simply answer your questions and if you want to, we can book you in. We may pop you one quick message afterwards to check if you have everything you need but other than that we won’t barrage you will texts calls and emails!
Ready to book now ? – Click HERE