I’m not photogenic!
We hear this all the time – in fact, after 20 years of professional photography, hundreds of weddings, and thousands of portrait sessions, it’s probably the biggest objection we hear!
To which we say “Yes, you are photogenic, and never more than this amazing time of your life!”
Trust us, we’re good at what we do. We use professional lighting and techniques, and flattering, natural poses to make you look beautiful. We’ll chat, laugh and encourage you throughout the session – and you’ll love the results! We have a number of maternity dresses, wraps and materials, carefully chosen to make you look wonderful. You can also bring along any clothes that you feel great wearing and we’ll incorporate them as well. Send a little time on hair and make-up, it’s well worth it for the confidence it gives you.
We always invite you in for a consultation before the actual session (or we can do it online) so you can show us what you do, and don’t, like. You can tell us how you’re feeling, how much energy you have, and all about partners and children, so we know how to include them. Our clients have really appreciated this, as it gives them input and control over the style and look of the session.
This is an amazing time of your life, and we’re here to show that. We’re going to show your beauty and strength in a way you won’t believe is possible – we promise, you *are* photogenic!
Things are tight at the moment! Babies are not cheap!
We totally get it! You don’t have to choose a package until your viewing session and on top of that you can do a payment plan over 4 months.
I don’t have much energy
We make our sessions easy! There’s no rush, we break between sets so you can have a rest and we won’t ask you to do anything that is physically challenging or uncomfortable. Teas, coffees and cold drinks are all available, WC and kitchen.
Sessions are never ‘demanding’ and if you’ve had enough – just tell us.
Most of all, we make it fun – it’s this fact that gives us such great photos, and if you’re not enjoying it, we won’t get photos we can be proud of. So, we’re always guided by you, we want you to enjoy the experience.
Whether we’re shooting for 15 minutes or an hour, you’ll still have wonderful photos to choose from – unique, unrepeatable and of great sentimental value in years to come.
I don’t want to be on Social Media.
That’s absolutely fine – we always respect your wishes.
There’s no time – I’ve left it too late!
We can often accommodate a late booking – afternoons are normally best, as we usually have newborn sessions in the morning. Preparing the images for your viewing will take about a week, so if necessary, we can hold off on the viewing until after the baby arrives and things settle down a bit! Alternatively, if you’re coming in for a newborn session (some of our maternity packages even include a complimentary newborn session) we can show you the photos from both sessions together.
I’m shy / I don’t want to go nude.
This is perfectly understandable. We’ve photographed thousands of people, at all different times of their lives, and we do understand that everybody is different in how comfortable they are with the camera.
Here’s how we work – we hope it will settle your nerves!
Our studio is completely private, with the door locked during the session – and we have a separate changing room.
We’re a husband and wife team. Emma works with you on styling, Russ does clever things with lights and pushes the button on the camera (simplified version!) We’re really easy going and you’ll lose your shyness in no time.
When we meet you for your consultation session before the day, we’ll discuss how you’d like to do the session. We have full, long dresses, and we also have a selection of materials and Voiles which we can use to selectively wrap you. This allows for more revealing shots, which we style in a natural way – you’ll see the photos on our website. But we’ll discuss exactly how far you’d like to go, it’s up to you.
When we set up these shots, Emma does all the dressing. Russ will turn away, read a book or check Instagram (!) and simply turn around when you’re ready to be photographed. In this way, your modesty is guaranteed. If you have any special requests (ie due to religion or beliefs) then just ask and we’ll try to accommodate.
The end result of these images is stunning – our use of selective lighting and posing makes them striking and very beautiful. We just want to make sure you know that you won’t ever be uncomfortable!
Ready to book? HERE